World16 is a world-wide research group focused on 3D future-city modeling and visualization in a real time virtual reality (VR) environment. Since 2007 the sixteen members from more than ten countries have developed about thirty VR city models. The vision is to develop innovative applications of VR technologies and share knowledge and skills among researchers and designers throughout the world. The mission is to have several seminars and workshops where members can discuss and share ideas on emerging technology, and then demonstrate theirimplemented VR application models at the international VR symposium every Fall.
My role in the research group was lead project manager. I trained the members how to use the VR software (through workshops, print/video tutorials and webinars), and was in charge of technical support for each project. I planned group events and travel, and was the liaison between the professors and the software development company (Forum8 Co. LTD). I helped to create several 3D models/ animations for the World16 team. This research group provided invaluable lessons in international collaboration and communication, and insight into VR city modeling techniques.